What is your Selfie Stick?
I had some opinions about Selfie Sticks. Okay, more than opinions - negative judgments. In my mind Selfie Sticks were a silly, tacky gadget for the masses. Their owners were primarily tourists or young girls. I considered Selfie Sticks trendy, a fad, and a flash in the pan. Certainly not something I’d ever own. Then on Christmas morning my stocking contained a Selfie Stick! I was a little blown away by how giddy and delighted I was. Suddenly, because Santa brought it, being a Selfie Stick owner was okay! I actually heard myself squealing over a hot pink Selfie Stick.
On Facebook I noticed that several others were posting delight at having received a Selfie Stick. After Christmas my family and I went out on a sightseeing excursion and I felt so remorseful when I realized I forgot my Selfie Stick. With a little less joy, we captured a few selfies the old fashioned way.
When we dressed up for a Christmas ugly sweater party I proudly remembered the Selfie Stick. We giggled away snapping photo after photo with the slightly awkward telescoping hot pink Selfie Stick.
I’m not sure how much more action the stick will see, but I will always remember the joy of unwrapping it and playing with it.
I’ve become so fascinated with the unexpected delight I felt from the Selfie Stick that I’ve begun to wonder where else I deny myself joy because I attach a story or preconceived notion to something.
I realize I have become a bit strident in my opinions of things that others find fun, but I label as trendy mechanisms for convenience or frivolity - like Selfie Sticks. And in the process, I am actually denying myself the opportunity to be a little adventurous, silly or fun.
This doesn’t mean I’m heading out to buy every new item that appears in As Seen on TV. It does mean however, that I will be more open to playfulness and I’m not waiting all year for Santa to bring it to me through a wholly unexpected surprise!
Joy can be such an elusive, fleeting emotion. Especially when we wait for it to be brought to us by someone else (aka Santa). Finding and allowing easy ways to experience joy is a win! What if joy is not as elusive as we believe? What if it is simply waiting for us in those things we have pre-determined are not for us?
Is there something you are curious about but are denying yourself because of your negative story? Maybe a new cooking fad? Learning to dance? Taking a workshop? Going for a hike or trying one of those new mindfulness coloring books? In other words, what is your Selfie Stick?