A Communication Breakthrough in Just 30 Minutes

I recently I did a special Zoom session with someone who has been a long-time colleague. She knew she had to have a conversation with someone she valued but who she felt was overstepping her boundaries. She was afraid of risking the relationship and just didn’t know where to begin.

In less than 30 minutes, she was able to get right to the crux of the matter.

Using the NCD Process she discovered what so many people discover — that what you “think” you want to talk about isn’t really what’s at at the heart of the matter.

She told me she had been turning this issue over and over in her head for weeks and was even considering just ending the relationship altogether. But deep in her heart, she didn’t want to do that. She enjoyed the time she spent with the person, with the exception of this one challenge which she called “oversharing”.

As we worked through the NCD Process she said something, almost as an aside. But I heard it loud and clear.

“It’s just so hard because when they overshare, I don’t know what to do.”

In that moment it became abundantly clear that the challenge was not that the person was oversharing. It was that my colleague felt responsible for doing something with the information but didn’t know what the speaker might be expecting from her.

Once I pointed this out to her, she said, “Wow. I feel more free. I no longer have to have an intense, formal conversation. I can simply say, ‘I’m not sure what you are looking for from me when you share this kind of information.”

In less than 30 minutes she was able to create a path forward that felt doable and gave her a way to stay in her own integrity, while also clarifying what the other person was expecting from her.

Good relationships, be they at work or in our personal lives, are hard to come by.

Once we find people we connect with, we don’t want to let them go if there is a pathway to strengthen them.

Being open and honest and staying in integrity is one of the pathways to building sustainable relationships.

She stated at the beginning of our session that she didn’t want to risk losing the relationship, but she knew it couldn’t be sustained if she didn’t talk about how she was feeling.

It does feel magical at times.

The NCD Process can take something that you’ve been struggling with, tossing around in your mind for days or weeks, and cut right through the crap to get to the heart of the matter.

So many people say, “I feel free” or “I feel lighter” after working through the steps.

While there are many offerings for communication training or tools, the feedback I continually get is, “I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

The NCD Process is quick, clear, and sets you up to be able to be in integrity as you have conversations that are important but may feel risky.

Here’s a Limited Time Offering

If you’ve never experienced NCD and would like to have a session with me, you can sign-up for one of my 45-minute “Turn This Conversation Around” sessions. For a Limited Time, I’m offering this session at a discounted price: $200.

I know you won’t be disappointed and I think you too may experience a sense of freedom.

Sign-up on my website.

Beth Wonson