The Manager’s Resource Library
Managers who are able to foster resourcefulness and empower employees to use their talents and strengths find managing easier. The most successful managers are collaborative and compassionate, building relationships, embracing innovation, and empowering staff. The businesses that will thrive are those that foster a creative culture built on trust.
In this free video series we teach the skills and tools you need to experience being a manager in a rejuvenating new way. Our vision is to transform the practice of managing humans from hard work requiring constant control to empowering employees to do their best work.
How Managing Humans Can Fill Your Bucket (Instead of Leaving You Drained)
Learn the core reasons why managing humans is hard and ways to turn that around so that you can find more ease in the process.
Every Day You Manage Humans You Will Have A Challenging Dialogue (And That’s a Good Thing)
Learn why we must have challenging dialogues, even when we don’t want to. We will unlock some of the secrets to making the conversations you most want to avoid, successful and empowering.
Your Energy Matters!
Learn what it means to really “show up” for your people – and still have some energy left over for yourself.
The Manager’s Tool Box: Manager, Mentor, Coach
Learn what these roles are and how and when to use each one.
Answering Unanswerable Questions
We share a framework for addressing unanswerable questions that enable you to answer honestly while building trust, no matter how uncomfortable or how high the stakes.
The Non-Political Art of Managing Up
Learn how to be collaborative and creative to get what you want from your boss.
Bringing Out What’s Best in Your Team
Learn about using tools and instruments to get a bead on your team’s, talents, working styles, and communication preferences. (CliftonStrengths®, MBTI, DISC, etc.)
Shifting From Being the Expert to Being the Empowerer
Learn why managers often prefer problem solving to helping employees find their own answers (and why employees let them!) We also share practices so you can begin now to build the capacity in others to wrestle with answering their own questions and reduce automatically leaning on you.
Coaching as a Manager: Building Self-Efficacy, Creativity, and Accountability
Learn what coaching is and is not and how to begin or enhance your approach to bring out self-efficacy, creativity, and accountability in your staff.
Building a Coaching Culture in Your Organization
Learn what a coaching culture looks like in practice and how to get there. We explain how being intentional about building a coaching culture will help participation and reduce resistance. Plus, learn how a coaching culture can support people to focus on creating change and being proactive in solutions.
Measuring What Matters
Learn the best practices for discovering and communicating meaningful metrics. For managers who want their team to be accountable and focused on work that matters.
BONUS: Managing Remotely Doesn’t Have to Suck
Learn the best practices for navigating the unique management challenges that come from managing a remote team.
Three Polls Taken During the Call
2-Minute Video Series for Busy Managers
People are busier than ever, juggling work and life, so we’ve been creating 2-minute videos to quickly teach some critical skills and tools of the NCD Process.
Navigating Challenging Dialogue® Primer
The Navigating Challenging Dialogue process is a framework for those who finds it difficult to have meaningful, drama-free dialogue, either at work or at home. This process helps you recognize and manage interactions that cause emotional hotspots to get activated, so you can change how you engage.
In this short video class, Beth Wonson shares the foundation of Navigating Challenging Dialogue and explains the process to foster collaborative, positive relationships through productive communication.
Even More Free Tools
We have a whole list of downloadable assessments, guides, and other tools that you can get for free right now.
We’re Here to Help You
If you need help navigating these changing times, get in touch with us by emailing us or scheduling a free call. We’re here to help you reveal your next steps in this moment.