Building Your Feedback Muscle
Getting comfortable giving and receiving feedback is one of the most valuable endeavors you can undertake for success – not only in business, but in everyday life. Despite the value of feedback, we fail to spend time learning and practicing this incredible tool.
Many people resist giving feedback because they don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or they question if they “should” share feedback.
And the very real tendency to resist asking for feedback is most often because we don’t want to risk having our plan of action, ownership of an outcome, or our beliefs disrupted. But history proves that asking for feedback along the way can make any plan even better.
Despite the value of effective feedback, it remains the most underutilized tool in the business world! This is because feedback is also the most misunderstood and ineffectively applied tool in the business world.
My goal is to normalize the use of feedback!
This PDF describes the many ways feedback can be applied, as well as some of the pitfalls of feedback. Take a moment to review it and see where you may not be using feedback in ways that would be beneficial. Ask yourself where you can expand the application of feedback.
Organizations and companies that include feedback as one of their cultural norms tend to have better results, more loyal employees, and less unhealthy conflict.
Of course helping people understand how to give and receive feedback effectively is an essential part of building that culture. If your organization does not welcome, appreciate, or practice effective feedback, now would be a good time to change that. Let’s talk! Schedule a free call with me.
Feedback Resources from Beth Wonson & Company
Take the free “Feedback Self-Assessment” to learn more about your own relationship with feedback.
Check out my book, Mastering Feedback - Everything You’ve Never Been Told About How to Give Feedback.
Setup a “Practicing Mastering Feedback” workshop for your team or group: