Inspired Selling

I took a risk yesterday. But it felt like the right thing to do. I was asked to do a presentation for one of the organizations I consult with. The topic was my approach to business development and sales. This is heart based organization. They were built on heart. Their leader's favorite statement regarding working with people is "no matter what else you do, give them your heart".

I considered a traditional business development presentation with sales theory and strategy because I imagined that was what they were expecting. But then I remembered some great words of advice from my friend and colleague, Bart Crawford of Crawford Collaborative Consulting.. Bart always says, "We have to live it". So, I tossed my traditional sales training out the window (well, not really. I just hit the save button and put it away). And I built my training presentation on the concept of inspired action, being present, receiving the inquiry, going into your stretch zone and being detached from specific outcomes. Oh yeah, and heart to heart connection.

Coincidently,two of the attendees had a big pitch to do today. Wasn't planned that my presentation and their pitch were so close. Just divine timing. (Thank you Universe). Their pitch was to a corporation to collaborate on a partnership. And this collaboration will bring together the strengths of each organization. How amazing is that?

I will say, some of the participants in my training were uncomfortable being there. Just to help you understand why they were uncomfortable, it is because they are attaching emotion to money. (Another topic for another posting but it gives you insight). When I asked about how they feel about the "money" aspect of the sales process, I got answers like "dirty".

Well, one of these people was at the big pitch today. It was a big success. When I congratulated him on a job well done he said, "Yes, it was great mostly because of your advice! Everything you talked about yesterday rang so true today. THANK YOU."

I'm accepting that compliment! And allowing myself to accept it as evidence that I'm on my authentic path and doing my soul work. And that inspired action is the key!