Let Me Reintroduce Myself
So many new people have begun receiving this weekly email lately that I thought perhaps I should reintroduce myself.
I’ve been writing this weekly email consistently since sometime in 2010. Can you believe it? That is approximately 728 email communications! I would estimate that in that time, I’ve missed maybe 10 issues. I sure have a lot to say.
The reason I write the weekly email is because my mission is to help organizations, leaders, and teams transform their work environments into places people want to be. Places where they feel seen and heard, and where they can use their unique strengths and talents. And to help people understand how they individually and collectively contribute to the good of the whole.
One of the ways I do my part is by sharing tips, strategies, and stories via these weekly emails.
You see, I firmly believe that Navigating Challenging Dialogue®, a program I officially founded in 2015, is a tool that can revolutionize how we communicate, build trust, and support each other both at work and at home.
In fact, I know it’s true because I’ve worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of people teaching them the tools of NCD. The feedback I receive, sometimes years later, affirms that NCD is effective and sustainable.
So who am I?
I’m someone who:
Has struggled with effective communication and emotional self-management at work. Especially when I felt stressed, overwhelmed, vulnerable or left out.
Was promoted to lead a team because I was good at the work. But I had no training or insight on how to motive, empower, inspire, and hold others accountable.
Believed that in conflict there had to be a “winner” and a “loser” (and I always wanted to win).
Thought that artful communication meant I was able to get others to do what I wanted them to do.
Didn’t understand why I had challenges creating healthy connections and relationships built on trust, both professionally and personally.
So you see, I originally created Navigating Challenging Dialogue not to help others, but as a practice to help myself. I wanted to embody a leadership style within which those around would thrive.
NCD worked for me. As I was doing my consulting and facilitation work, people began asking me how I was able to remove myself from drama, ask great questions, and deal with the facts of conflict rather than the emotions.
I built a program around NCD and now I share these tools so NCD can benefit others as well.
Other fun facts (because NCD is not all I think about):
I was raised in a family of small business owners and grew up helping in the florist shop and garden center. I miss the smells, sights, and camaraderie.
My mom and dad taught me a great deal about hard work, gaining and keeping loyal customers, and all about flowers!
I studied educational leadership and did a stint in school administration.
I spent 13 years working in an international organization focused on bringing a strengths-based approach to empowering people and youth to lead and be healthy members of teams.
I served two terms on the National Alternative Education Board of Directors.
I worked at a Native American organization helping to codify curriculum and implement programs with tribes and bands in North America. We also provided leadership development to their all Native American staff so they could step into leading the organization forward. Amazing opportunity.
I’ve authored and published 4 books on leadership and communication.
I love horses, nature, the ocean, writing, reading, and creating art.
I have two daughters, five grandchildren, and a partner whom I adore.
I know that many workplaces are filled with drama and unhealthy conflict, and I know that it doesn’t have to be so.
My favorite color is blue but honestly, every color in nature takes my breath away.
In closing, I’m glad you and I are connected and hope you benefit from the weekly bits I send out. Everything I write is from my heart, from my direct experience, and is shared with a focus on the good of the whole.
I always say, “Take what is helpful and disregard the rest.”
If you’ve been a fan of my work for a while, thank you. If you are new to me and NCD, I wholeheartedly say, “Welcome. I’m glad you are here”.