Taking Action When Facing Chaos

Imagine hearing a weather report about a large hurricane heading straight for your area, with a 75% chance of hitting in two days. Fear takes hold, and it becomes tough to focus on anything other than potential property damage and the safety of your loved ones.

What can you do when a situation seems chaotic?

One option is to remain fixated on despairing weather reports. The other option is to identify what you can control, what you can influence, and what you have no control over.

Then, prioritize taking action on what you can control and influence.

Organizations often face similar "hurricane" scenarios.

Events such as funding cuts, economic downturn threats, competition, politics, civil unrest, and even pandemics can bring a hurricane-level of chaos to teams and organizations.

With a new "hurricane" seemingly forecasted every day, and new worries constantly arising, how can your organization prepare?

Step 1: Identify what you can control.

This includes things like:

  • Creating a staff communication plan.

  • Investing in workplace culture.

  • Managing your stress.

  • Proactively investing time and energy into building relationships .

  • Networking for support.

  • Developing strategies that prioritize your actions.

Step 2: Identify what you can influence.

You may be able to influence:

  • Your stress management.

  • The news you choose to consume.

  • Employee satisfaction and stress levels.

  • Customer loyalty and spending habits.

Step 3: Identify what you have no control over.

There are certain things you have no control over, such as:

  • Employees leaving for personal reasons.

  • Rising business costs.

  • Revenue-impacting decisions made by the government or other entities.

Disrupting Natural Tendencies

It's human nature to be drawn back to mentally preparing for the looming event (the "hurricane"), and how it could potentially impact our lives, regardless of whether the “hurricane” hits or not.

But by taking small, empowering action steps to mitigate impact, we can avoid being negatively affected.

Is your organization facing a potential “hurricane”.

You aren’t alone. I use the *Circle of Control* tool in my Strategic Dialogue sessions helping teams to look ahead and strategize action steps to mitigate the impact of any "hurricanes."

I can help you and your team create an action plan by identifying areas you can control, influence, and not control. You will sleep easier, and your organization will benefit, having an action plan.

Get Started

You can access the Circle of Control tool here. Or you can schedule a free call with me, for how this tool helps your team specifically: https://NCDsolution.com/beth