Warning! I’m a little crabby.


I find myself having to ask people to repeat things they’ve just said and sometimes feel like I never heard certain pieces of information shared previously. I go into a room having no idea why I went in, and I’m having a hard time finding words or phrases that were just on the tip of my tongue. Why? I’m in transition!

I seem to want to endlessly play Solitaire on my phone or stare mindlessly at Facebook. I’m drawn to bowls of ice cream, macaroni and cheese, and other comfort foods like a moth to a flame.

Exciting and yet uncomfortable!  Transition!

In this space of transition, staying grounded in the present is tricky for me. I feel deeply reflective as I let go of what I love and what has served me so well. I feel a little anxious as I look to a promising yet unknown future. Left unattended, my mind wanders to “what if’s” – both scary and wildly exciting scenarios.

I question my ability. Why? Transition!

Transition is also the place where core triggers and old wounds tend to reappear like familiar faces from the past. They seek my attention and sometimes attempt to convince me that any evidence that I’ve outgrown them, or overcome them, or put them to rest, is simply untrue.

I’m a little crabby? You guessed it. Transition.

I find myself snappier with people and a little less patient with myself. I’m a little withdrawn and a lot more tired. Not tired from doing what needs to be done, but exhausted from “thinking” about all that needs to be done. I watch TV a little too late into the night because I’m afraid if I stop my fears will creep in.


When I can remember to be here, in this moment, all the To Do’s get done, the worry subsides, sleep comes easily, I trust myself again, and I see the positive evidence that all is perfect and so am I – right here and right now.

Any of this sound familiar to you? Isn’t it great to know you aren’t alone?

So many people tell me they see and understand the value of staying in the present moment, but they just can’t afford to take the time away from planning, problem solving and doing. And they too end up crabby, forgetful, exhausted, and with their confidence shaken.

There has got to be a better way? Yes there is!

Staying in the present moment may not always feel easy, but it creates ease.-2

Intentionally creating space to be grounded and in the present moment will actually make transition easier and gentler.

Check this out:

  • Self-awareness is key. Know what your warning signs are (see mine above).
  • Taking time away from doing to just “be” actually speeds up problem solving and creativity.
  • When you are still, giving your thinking brain a rest, your subconscious actually comes up with really creative solutions.
  • Staying in the present moment may not always feel easy, but it creates ease.
  • Like anything, staying present requires practice and attention.
  • Slipping out of the present moment doesn’t mean you’ve failed – it’s just an opportunity to practice returning to the now!
  • Two 5-minute sessions per day of doing “nothing” are actually life changing.

The process that works for me may not be the one that works for you. Read through the ideas below, then try them out, adapt them and make them your own.

#1. My top favorite:

When I feel myself worrying about things in the future that haven’t even happened yet (and I have no idea if they ever will), I stop and instead start creating a list in my head of all the things that are real right now that I feel grateful for.

Why does this help?

Feelings of gratitude directly activate brain regions associated with the neurotransmitter dopamine. And dopamine feels good. Once your brain receives the dopamine, it wants more and so the more you practice gratitude, the more you naturally begin to live in a feel good space.

#2. Always a winner:

Get outside. It doesn’t matter where you live or how busy you are, connecting with the actual earth beneath you for a few minutes brings great peace. Find a spot to sit or stand or lean on a tree. For even just 5 minutes use your senses to turn your gentle attention to the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair, the smell of the earth and what you see in front of you. You can also pull over in your car and roll down the window. Allow your senses to bring you into this moment and notice how all else falls away. Letting it go for even those few minutes brings you renewed energy and joy.

#3. Slow down to speed up:

Take less than 10 minutes out of your day to listen to my relaxation and heart connection exercise. Get comfortable, lay back, and let the words sweep over you. Listen or download here.

I know I will be reconnecting with and practicing many of these exercises. There are several more ideas and tools in my newest book “The Every Day Guide to Joy and Abundance” co-written with Dr. Mary Kay Stenger.  Click here to reserve your signed copy.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

In transition? Seeking support? Beth does one-to-one and group coaching sessions. To learn more, schedule a free discovery session.