Posts tagged feedback
Feedback is a Superpower

Imagine a world without feedback. I know we all have moments when we wish for less feedback. But a world with no feedback would leave me rudderless. It would be like leaving the harbor in a boat, moving forward, but not knowing if the forward movement was getting me closer to or further from my destination.

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The Importance of Feedback Culture

When a culture of feedback exists, a team’s culture and morale will not be shaken by feedback. In fact, individual​s and the team as a whole, expect feedback. They view feedback as a tool to improve how they communicate and collaborate to make work more enjoyable, productive, innovative, and meaningful.

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Beth Wonsonfeedback
Blindsided by Anonymous Feedback

One client told me, “At the end of every one-to-one check in, I ask my staff what feedback they have for me and everyone always says that they don’t have any. They all say things are great. Yet when the employee surveys came back, a percentage of the team ranked me low in terms of leadership”.

This is not an uncommon issue that I hear from directors and managers, but I have four steps that will help you.

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