Are you hearing that your team doesn't feel appreciated? Even though you feel like you put effort into saying thank you, they are always hungry for more. Do employee engagement surveys indicate dissatisfaction? Even though there are all kinds of employee recognition programs in place. For acknowledgment to really stick, it must be grounded in a concrete experience or activity.
Read MoreI was recently asked how a leader could get quiet team members to speak up more in meetings. The truth is, change doesn’t begin with the quiet team members, but with you.
The secret to encouraging engagement and participation rests with you and your skillfulness in 5 specific areas.
Read MoreEven in healthy conflict, if what you want to express is left unsaid because you’re not comfortable saying it, it simmers and eventually boils over. The outcome can be far worse than if it had been discussed immediately. And over time, those simmering, suppressed thoughts can be misdirected and come out sideways as sarcasm, blaming, shaming, gossip, manipulation, avoidance, or other unproductive communication behaviors. And this is what turns a potentially healthy conflict into an unhealthy conflict.
Read MoreWhen we clutch and cling to what we treasure, our tightly closed fist prevents us from accepting anything more, and it can also prevent our moving forward with ease and freedom.
Listen in (or read on) for a short, sweet story about a child who learned to open her fist, which, in turn, opened my eyes – and also a list of nine rocks that many of us hold onto.
Read MoreHow many times during the course of your day do you overhear things, see things, read things and take them personally? Choosing to be curious and to ask questions is the pathway away from drama and chaos. Join Beth as she uncovers why we take things personally and how you can disrupt that tendency. Just proclaiming “I will not take things personally!” isn’t enough to switch us. Instead, Beth explains how taking things personally is a practice, a choice.
Read MoreGossip is as addictive as sugar. It can also be damaging and slowly wear and tear at the vital framework that keeps a group or a team cohesive, a family solidified, and an organization moving towards its goals. Breaking the gossip habit is a powerful way you can positively impact your own happiness, even when you’re feeling powerless. Here's how...
Read MoreWhat precious "rocks" do I hold onto that no longer serve me, hold me captive or keep me from moving forward? I thought of my coaching in particular...who is struggling to move forward because she is still clutching old behaviors.
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