The Nature Fix

I already know that my clients, who are stressed, overworked, overwhelmed, and anxiety ridden, need to know that there is a fix. Let me tell you about The Nature Fix.

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Beth Wonson
Getting Your Board Unstuck

A board refresh session can help address any issues or challenges the board may be facing, such as disengagement, lack of new members, or the need for professional leadership. By bringing in an outside expert, your organization gets fresh perspectives and insights. I facilitate discussions and activities that encourage board members to reflect on their roles, responsibilities, and contributions. Together, we identify areas where the board can improve and provide guidance on how to effectively utilize the skills and expertise of its members.

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Beth Wonson
Shifting a Culture of Venting

If you recognize that venting has become a go-to strategy for stress relief, it is likely that relationships may be suffering along with your own wellness. As a leader, manager, or teammate, we each have a responsibility to notice the role of venting and do our best to shift it. Here are a few of my recommendations.

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LeadershipBeth Wonson
Is Venting an Effective Tool?

“But Beth,” you may be thinking, “if venting is a toxic, unproductive activity, why do I feel so much better after I vent?” Here is the tricky part. For a short period of time after you vent about something, you may feel a sensation of relief. But that relief is temporary and before long, you will feel compelled to vent again. 

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Amazing Andrea
Disagreeing Better

It isn’t easy to engage with curiosity and empathy when you feel like your beliefs, values, freedoms, and future is at stake. I know this for a fact because, like you, I’m human. And as humans, our physiology is wired to drive us into protection mode when we feel threatened or at risk. So it takes intentionality and practice to be present with curiosity and empathy. Why is disagreement healthy? 

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Beth Wonson
The Risk of Unspokens

Unspokens are your truths showing up as words, phrases, and fully formed thoughts but instead of speaking them aloud, you hold them in just keep thinking about them. Often, we hold onto them because we don’t want to upset or offend anyone, or we fear being vulnerable. However, when we withhold what we’re thinking, it festers. And within that festering, people experience emotional hotspots

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CommunicationBeth Wonson
Have Gossip in the Workplace?

The act of gossiping is a pretty neutral activity. It is the intention behind gossip that makes it a positive or negative. For instance, sometimes it is through gossip that communities are spurred into action to help out someone in need. Through gossip we can learn about ourselves, our values, and what choices or actions we might take. But when gossip is used to manipulate a situation or circumstances it can have a very negative impact on lives, relationships, and workplace culture.

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CoachingBeth Wonson
How Strategic Dialogue Strengthens Organizations

Many people rise to leadership based on their ability to do the work of the organization well. The downfall of many organizations can be attributed to those same people not developing skillfulness in strategic dialogue. By teaching strategic dialogue skills, you are building an organization that will navigate change effectively, deal with challenges and adversity thoughtfully, and innovate in ways that support the mission. 

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CommunicationBeth Wonson
Transforming Negative Stories (Part 3 of 3)

This is the final installment in the 3-part series, “Understanding and Transforming Negative Stories”. In week one we looked at the three classic stories: victim, villain, and hero. In week two I shared specific self-coaching steps to isolate and turn around your own negative stories as you experience them. In this installment you’ll learn to take positive action based on what you discovered doing the practice from last week.

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Beth Wonson
Identifying and Reframing Negative Stories (Part 2 of 3)

This week you will learn how to recognize and isolate those stories within yourself. By asking yourself these self-coaching questions and reflecting on your answers, you can gain a better understanding of the stories you tell yourself and how they may be affecting your ability to take action and grow.

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Beth Wonson
Stories That Prevent Growth And Development (Part 1 of 3)

I believe that if you want to be in a healthy relationship (at work or home) that is mutually enriching while building trust and a deep connection sustained over time, it is essential to recognize negative stories. Learn to catch yourself, and stop relying on them to bring you out of discomfort. Real change comes when you choose to be empowered to use our own unique strengths, talents, and expertise.

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Beth Wonson
Building Your Feedback Muscle

Getting comfortable giving and receiving feedback is one of the most valuable endeavors you can undertake for success – not only in business, but in everyday life. Despite the value of feedback, we fail to spend time learning and practicing this incredible tool. Despite the value of effective feedback, it remains the most underutilized tool in the business world! This is because feedback is also the most misunderstood and ineffectively applied tool in the business world.

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Beth Wonson
Is Founder's Syndrome Holding You Back?

Founder’s Syndrome is a term to describe the difficulty organizations or companies face when the founder(s) strives to maintain control or a disproportionate amount of power and influence. Founder’s Syndrome can prevent an organization from growing and transforming when external factors and internal needs require it. The same characteristics that gave the founder the energy and focus to get the organization off the ground can also hold the organization back when Founder’s Syndrome is at its peak.

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Amazing Andrea
Coming Back To Your Calm Center

My personal definition of joy and abundance is the ability to feel the full range of my emotions and then, when I am ready, to bring myself back to center. This is not something I just knew how to do. I realized that the inability to feel my emotions and then come back to center had wasted a lot of time. And in some situations, it caused me to create drama and chaos in my life where it was unnecessary.

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Beth Wonson
NCD Approach to 1:1 Meetings

One-on-one check-in meetings are one of the most valuable ways a boss and employee can spend time together. However, often that time is wasted because there is no prep and planning. Without preparation, both parties are directionless. The meeting wanderers around but isn’t very productive.

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Beth Wonson
Micromanaging is Not a Dirty Word

Whenever clients use the word “micromanaging”, they almost spit the word out as if it was venom in their mouth. Micromanaging itself is not a bad thing. In fact, it has very appropriate applications. Micromanaging turns problematic when it is used to comfort the supervisor rather than develop the employee. 

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Beth Wonson
The Undeniable Value of Predictability

Being a human who is consistent and predictable in your leadership and communication brings comfort for those around you. When you are the one who brings comfort, you also bring great value to any team or group. Healthy predictability shows that people can count on you to be steady, honest, fair, curious, and empathetic. When you are predictable, in a healthy way, people can count on you to set and hold clear boundaries, and hold yourself and others accountable.

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Beth Wonson
Is this your leadership development strategy?

​A common story that I hear is when a valued employee resigns because they’ve accepted an offer with another organization – but they didn’t leave because they were unhappy. In fact they love their work. But they don’t see any opportunities for professional growth and development.  When the employee hands in their resignation, the current manager often says, “But we see you as someone with leadership potential! We had plans for you for the future.” The employee is surprised. They had no idea that they were being thought of in this way.

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Beth Wonson
Rebuilding Relationships Damaged by Miscommunication

​We all have experienced relationships that are damaged by miscommunication. Some of these relationships are ones that you might be happy to just let go. But sometimes there is a relationship that you miss and wish you could repair. Repairing and rebuilding damaged relationships is a choice. The process of rebuilding a damaged relationship can be a bit uncomfortable but it is often worth the effort. 

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Beth Wonson
When Their Behavior Regresses

Today I am talking about what to do when you’ve given someone feedback and they’ve successfully made a change, but then they regress back to the old, undesirable behaviors after a few months. There are two parts to my approach. The first is what to do when the regression happens. The second, and perhaps more important part, is how to prevent regression from happening in the first place.

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Beth Wonson